#!/usr/bin/perl $|++; if ( -r "/etc/maintenance" ) { exit 0; } $VERBOSE = 0; if ($ARGV[0] eq '-v') { $VERBOSE = 1; } # Process name to find in ps | Service control script to call # output (ps auxwww) | to restart the script if the # | process is not found in ps my %services = qw( /usr/sbin/httpd httpd mysqld mysqld named named /usr/sbin/sshd sshd sendmail sendmail \s+crond crond ); for my $service (keys %services) { print "Checking $service: " if $VERBOSE; if (! check_service($service)) { print "NOT OK\n" if $VERBOSE; restartit($service, $services{$service}); } else { print "OK\n" if $VERBOSE; } sleep(1); } exit 0; sub restartit { my $bin = shift; my $init = shift; if (! check_service($bin)) { print "o Attempting to restart $init: "; if (system("/etc/rc.d/init.d/$init restart 2>&1")) { print "failed ($!)\n"; } else { print "success\n"; } } sleep(10); } sub check_service { my $svc = shift; local(*PS); local($_); open(PS,"/bin/ps auxwww |") || die "Can't ps: $!\n"; my $found = 0; while(<PS>) { if (/$svc/) { $found = 1; last; } } close(PS); return $found; } sub logger { my $msg = shift; print scalar localtime(time()), ": $msg\n"; }